Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Advice for the class of 2016

Some advice for 8th grade is to get good grades. If you have bad grades there are always consequences, like at the end of the year you need to have higher that a D to go to Six Flags. If you don't you get stuck back at school for the whole day. You also should try not to get any behavior referrals because if you do get one they notify your parents and you get a lunch detention. If you do you won't be able to go to Promotion or Six Flags.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011



Why is life so short?

It seems like the years are so long when you’re little.

But as you grow up they go by so fast.

It’s almost summer of 2011.

Passing by so fast.

Years almost over.

High schools coming up.

Before you know I’ll be married and have kids.

Feels so lonely though.

Life can end so fast.

Life is so short.

So spend every day like it’s your last.

Monday, June 6, 2011


I think my strength in writing is short stories but I really need to do better on writing poems.

Friday, June 3, 2011

This American Life

All of the Smith's in the movie were alike because they all had the same name. They were all different though because they all had different personalities and they were all at different stages of their life.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Raymond's Run

This is based off of one of the characters from Raymond's Run.

I may seem mean and selfish but that's just because I'm jealous of Squeaky. She is a great runner and she takes really good care of her brother. I wish that I could be more like her. I didn't mean all of the mean things I said to her, I wish I could take it all back. I hope she will forgive me.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring Break

Over spring break I didn't do anything exciting. I mostly went back and forth from my mom's and dad's house. At my mom's house we dyed Easter eggs. I did hang out with my friends for some of the break. On Easter I went to my Aunt's house for breakfast. Even though I didn't do a lot of stuff over spring break I still had fun.

Friday, April 15, 2011


I don't know if I will go down in history. I think that I'll be remembered as me. I think I have a lot of control over what I do and how I'm remembered. I think that I might remember parts of this school year but not a lot. I don't know how people will remember me.


A main cause of the Civil War was that Abraham Lincoln was elected president. The South feared that if Abraham was elected he would side with the North against slavery. The South decided that the only way to keep slavery was to secede from the Union.

An important battle was the battle of Gettysburg. George Meade fought on the farms and hillsides of southern Pennsylvania. The Union victory ended Lee's belief that a single massive victory would defeat the Army of the Potomac.

A very influential person from the Civil War was Abraham Lincoln. He outlawed slavery and brought the South and North back together.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Reflection 4/14

I think that I used my time wisely in class. I thought that the easy part about the assignment was taking notes but the hard part was actually writing a good story that goes with the notes. I think that if I had had more detail in my story it would've been better.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


How do you feel about slavery?
I think slavery is a good thing to have because without it there wouldn't be anyone to work on my plantation.

Do you think Abraham Lincoln is a good president?
I think that he is a good president but I don't like his views on slavery. He it trying to outlaw slavery.

Do you think that slaves should be fighting for freedom?
No, I think that they should not be trying to fight for freedom.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Over the weekend i didn't really do anything but the weather was really nice so I went outside. On Friday I had a play so I didn't get home until around 9, on Saturday I had to watch my little brother and sister and then I had to go to another play until 9. But on Sunday I didn't have to do anything except my homework, after that I went out side and enjoyed the nice weather while it lasted.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Rockin' Tale of Snow White

I am in the 2011 play, the Rockin' Tale of Snow White. I think that we have all done a really good job on the play and that it is very good, but it could be improved. There were some mistakes in the Thursday performance but we covered it up well. My parts aren't that important but Kim and Nick did a really good job at playing the lead roles. I really liked the play when it came all together, it was very good. Overall I think that the class did a really good job on everything.

Monday, April 4, 2011


This conversation is between Abraham Lincoln and his cousin.

You can't be president, you'll never make it. said his cousin

I've gone to school and studied so much, I think that I can be president if i really want to. replied Abraham, with confidence.

You are a nobody from Kentucky, nobody knows who you are, and plus you've lost every election you've run in. You won't make it. cried out his cousin trying to convince Abraham that he was right.

I am smart enough for this and I think that I can be president, isn't that enough? Just because you don't think I can handle this doesn't mean you're right. exclaimed Abraham

Fine. If you want to fail at an election again be my guest, just remember when you lose; I told you so. replied his cousin

Abraham was so furious because people didn't believe in him, that he turned and walked away without another word.

Friday, April 1, 2011

UPFRONT Magazine

I found it interesting that women would dress up as men and go fight. I think that it was very brave of them to do that. I think that this article can be used as research because it tells us facts about the Civil War. I didn't know that more people died from disease than from rifles.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Stream of Consciousness of Abraham Lincoln

Civil War
United States
John Wilkes Booth

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Civil War Book

My book is about Abraham Lincoln's life, his family, and what he did as the 16th president. The table of contents in my book are of Abraham's life; when e was a kid, what he did as an adult, his family, and what he accomplished as president. I think the thesis of my book might be about Abraham's accomplishments and about how he became president.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Selfless or Selfish?

Are we selfless or selfish? I think that most people put others before themselves, but we are all a little bit selfish. No one is perfect and everyone has to be a little bit selfish, otherwise we would be perfect. Little kids are selfish all the time, they don't understand until there older that the world doesn't revolve around them. Even adults are selfish. They might not want to share money with someone who really needs it, even if that person would pay it back. I think that almost everyone puts others before themselves, but we aren't perfect.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Justified to Fight?

I think that you should be able to fight for something you believe in. You can protest for whatever it is instead of being violent. I think that you can fight for things that you want to change, like the government and what they're doing. If there is something that you or others really wants to change you can do it in a civilized way instead of getting violent.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Free Will

Does everyone have free will? I think that we all do because that is what America is about. People moved to America to be free. We are free cause we can vote, we are in control of what we do, and we can make our own choices in life. When people vote it shows that we have free will because if we didn't there would be a dictator not a president. Everyone has free will to live your life the way you want to.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

If I were in control of the school I would.......

If I were in control of how the school was run I would make things better. I would have school start at 8:30 and end at 3;45 because that way everyone could get more sleep and be able to complete homework. I would make the dress code better by saying that your shorts have to reach the middle of your palms instead of your fingertips that way the shorts are long enough without the students having to wear capris. I would also make Make most of the homework classwork, that way students can have time to do other things after school and so that if you get stuck you can ask the teacher a question right away. I think that if I made these changes the students would still be prepared to go to high school and to graduate.


I think our discussion was good even though some people said that it was horrible. We stayed on topic and gave reasons on what we thought, we also had a quote from on of the songs so it showed why Eminem is our favorite and how he is a good rapper. We also agreed that it was okay for other students to have a different opinion but we still think Eminem is the best. We could have had more info about the bands/ musicians in our debate. I thought the assignment was okay and that it could have been more fun if some people in the class stopped trying to put others down and make them feel bad about their work. The challenging part about this assignment was to agree in the group on who should to what and who was our favorite but in the end my group agreed on everything. I think it was surprising how I wasn't nervous to go on stage because I usually get really bad stage fright but I wasn't nervous at all for this assignment.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Oil Spill


"“The scene at Nightingale is dreadful, as there is an oil slick encircling the island,” Trevor Glass, a local conservation officer, said in a statement." this is what one officer said about the oil spill at Nightingale Island. More that 800 tons of fuel oil have leaked into the Atlantic Ocean. The biggest danger is that the 20,000 endangered penguins that live there will die from the oil spill. A well-equipped response ship will be sent on Thursday to help rescue the penguins.

I think that it is important to rescue the penguins before to many of them die. Since they are an endangered species of penguin it is even more important that they are rescued soon. The birds cannot be moved though because people are worried about transmission of diseases to which the birds have no resistance to.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Today I was late for school because I woke up late and missed the bus. I think that the school should start at 8:30 instead of 7:30 because then people would get more sleep and they would be able to get up on time. The reason I woke up late was because I was up until 10:30 (which is late for me) doing homework. The only reason I did go to bed at 10:30 was because I was sent to bed. School should start later so that nobody is late and so that we are all awake when we get up.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Human Beings

I don't think that we will ever be equal because their are some people who think they're better than everyone else and I don't think they will change. We aren't perfect so it's really unlikely that we will ever be able to say that everyone is equal.If everyone were equal there wouldn't be any discrimination, there wouldn't be any racism, and everyone would be the same.

Friday, March 18, 2011


If I could have one superpower it would be invisibility (that comes with a force field like Violet in the Incredibles) and fire bender combined (so I can control fire)! I would pick this superpower because I can protect myself and others. And because having the power of invisibility/ force field/ fire bender is really cool.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


If you want others to have respect for you you need to have respect towards them. Respect means to feel or show deferential regard for, which means to be polite towards others and to treat them the way you want to be treated. You should respect everyone you meet because it's not nice to judge. Respect is a very important thing to learn.