September Leaves


“Karlee, have you ever lied to someone?” Freddie asked
 “Only to my parents. "Have you ever lied?” asked Karlee. 
“Yes, I have but only once or twice,” replied Freddie.
                  The story “The Lie” by Kurt Vonnegut Jr., relates to these two friends because in the story Eli feels like he needs to lie to stay out of trouble, but all it does is make everything worse. People lie to stay out of trouble or bend the truth. When people lie it is usually because it is too hard to admit the truth. People lie to avoid unpleasant situations. Lying is not a good thing to do but people still do it.
              While many people lie it still isn’t a good thing to do because you can get in a lot of trouble. The mode of literature for the story “The Lie” is tragedy because of the characteristics, purpose, and the plot line. In the beginning of this story the world is in conflict for Eli because he knows he didn’t do a good job on the exams and he didn’t tell his parents. Then Eli has a rise to power which is when Eli’s parents found out about him lying because his mom was comforting him. After the rise to power is the tragic flaw which is when Eli lies and tears up the letter that came in the mail. Next come the tragic fall which is when the dad says not to ask for anything special and then when he learns about Eli lying he goes and asks for them to make an exception for him. Finally, is the symbolism of death which is when Eli learns that his dad embarrassed his family by asking for an exception for Eli.
              While the plot line is important the purpose is equally significant. The purpose for tragedy is to teach us a moral lesson. For “The Lie,” it’s to show us not to lie because you can get in a lot of trouble. A moral lesson means that you are able to tell right from wrong. Eli lies in this story because he thinks that if he tells his parent the truth he will get in trouble and they will be disappointed.   
               Equally important are the characteristics for “The Lie.” Characteristics for tragedy are that the story is realistic and the main character is in control. The story “The Lie” is realistic because people in real life do lie because the truth is too hard to admit. People also lie so that other people don’t find out about certain things and this is what Eli did. Eli is also in control because he decided to lie and tear up the letter.
             When people lie they do it for a reason but it is still bad even though a lot of people do it. “The Lie” by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. is a story about a young boy who tries to please his parents and instead of telling them he did a bad job he lies to hide the truth. Eventually, though, anyone who lies gets caught or they tell the truth. Lying is a very bad thing to do.