Thursday, January 21, 2010


Sometimes school can be sooooooooo boring like when you just want it to end because your doing something fun afterwords but time just seams to stand still. Most of the time though school is really fun because you get to pick your classes and if you have them with your friends. My favorite class is language arts because I like to read. My favorite elective is F.A.C.E because I thought it was fun to learn how to sew with a sewing machine.

1 comment:

  1. To be honest, school is sometimes boring for me, too! I get tired of the same old thing like reinforcing the rules, making sure the laptops are all working....that sort of thing gets old. On the up side, I enjoy all the students! I think middle schoolers are wonderful and really, my job doesn't feel like a job because I enjoy being with kids.
