Thursday, January 21, 2010


Sometimes school can be sooooooooo boring like when you just want it to end because your doing something fun afterwords but time just seams to stand still. Most of the time though school is really fun because you get to pick your classes and if you have them with your friends. My favorite class is language arts because I like to read. My favorite elective is F.A.C.E because I thought it was fun to learn how to sew with a sewing machine.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Vacations (Team Jacob)

Last year at Thanksgiving I went to Texas to visit some of my step mom’s friends. It was the first time I ever got to ride in an airplane; it was fun and scary. While we were in Dallas and we also went to the NASA Space Center in Houston; it was awesome!!! I really wanted to go to see the ocean and I got to. My family and I saw a dead jellyfish and it was all gross and slimy. I found a sand dollar and a lot of other shells. My whole family came to Texas but when I went to the NASA Space Center only my older brother, my dad, and myself went because my younger brother and sister would have been really annoying on the way because the car ride was really long. It was so warm there but it was also raining a lot too. When we got back there was snow everywhere and I thought yes winter but after a few days I was like ugh snow. And that was my vacation to Texas but does it really count as a vacation because we were on break???

Wednesday, January 6, 2010